Data Science #12: Mini Project: Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning.

Dhruv Dalsania
Oct 29, 2021

In this article, I’ll discuss a project where I have worked on predicting heart disease prediction using machine learning algorithms. The dataset is taken from Kaggle. Dataset is available here.

The algorithms used is here is Support vector machine.

Import libraries

I have used the following libraries for the project.

NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, warnings, train_test_split, standard scaler.

Now I will import using this machine learning.

Understanding the data

Correlation Matrix


Bar Plot for Target Class

Data Processing

After exploring the dataset, we can observe that we need to convert some categorical variables to dummy variables and scale all values before training the machine learning models.

The dataset is now ready. We can begin with training our models.

Applying Logistic Regression

The Github link for source code is available here.

